
What is a conjunction?

A conjunction is a part of speech that is used to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences.

There are four types of conjunctions:



In today’s lesson, we are going to learn about coordinating conjunctions!

Coordinating conjunctions coordinate or join two or more sentences, main clauses, words, or other parts of speech which are of the same syntactic importance.  Also known as coordinators, coordinating conjunctions are used to give equal emphasis to a pair of main clauses.

There are only seven coordinating conjunctions!  To remember them more easily, remember FANBOYS!



  1. You can eat your cake with a spoon or fork.
  2. My dog enjoys being bathed but hates getting his nails trimmed.
  3. Bill refuses to eat peas, nor will he touch carrots.
  4. I hate to waste a drop of gas, for it is very expensive these days.

Rules to remember when using coordinating conjunctions:

  • Ensure that the coordinating conjunction is immediately followed by a main clause
  • Don’t use coordinating conjunctions to begin all of your sentences.
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There are 8 types of verbs:notes

Today, we are going to learn more about action verbs.

Action verbs express action/movement and are the most common verbs.

Watch this video for more information about action verbs:

For singular noun, the verb needs to end with an “s” and for plural noun, the verb does not end with an “s”.  For example:

  1. He runs to the basketball court.
  2. She eats a banana.
  3. They play football in the evening.
  4. The girls play netball every Sunday.


Now, let’s take this quiz to test your understanding about verbs!


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Today we are going to learn about prepositions!

Teacher!  What is “preposition”?

Preposition is the word that indicates location of someone or something.  Check out the examples below:


Prepositions can also show location in time. Read the next three examples:

  1. At midnight, Jamil craved for a piece of “roti canai”.

2. In the summer, I always go to the beach to swim.

3. During the marathon, Amy fell down and hurt her leg.

Now, test your understanding of preposition by taking this quiz!

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“What is a noun???”


cartoon boy giving peace sign with thought bubble

Common Noun

-Names general items/ describes a class of entities (eg: city, animal, planet, person or car)

Proper Noun

-Names specific things/ represents unique entities/ (eg: Earth, India, Jupiter, Harry or BMW)

Differences between Common and Proper noun:
ps Continue reading

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