How to plan a birthday party?

A: “Ohhhh my best friend’s birthday is coming soon!  What should I do?”

B: “You should plan a birthday party for her!”

A: “But how do I do it?  I have no experience in planning a birthday party before this!”

Have you ever encountered this kind of situation before where you have no idea of how to organize a birthday party for someone?  Fret not!  Watch this video below and it will give you idea and enlighten you on how to plan a successful birthday party!

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IPG Kampus Ilmu Khas Musical Theater

This gallery contains 5 photos.

On 30th July 2016, students from IPG Kampus Ilmu Khas staged a musical theater entitled “What Happened After Once Upon A Time?”.  This musical theater was a collaboration between the English Studies Department, Music Department and also Special Education Department. … Continue reading

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